This class contains all data related to the element's style.

  • To learn more about how to create custom themes, please take a look at Wiki: Themes.

  • To get an overview of what the different variables do in detail, please refer to Wiki: Elements.

Static variables

staticread onlyrequiredAssets:Array<String>

Names of assets that are required by the theme.

Static methods

@:value({ state : "default" })staticinlinegetStyle(tID:String, state:String = "default"):Null<Style>

Return the style object for the given tID, or null if it does not exist.

staticinlinemakeOverride(styleGroup:Dynamic, overrideProp:String, newValue:Dynamic):Dynamic

Override a property from the style.



The group, e.g. style.color


The name of the property inside that group


The new value


The old, overridden value (to undo the override later)

See also:

staticinlinewithOverride(styleGroup:Dynamic, overrideProp:String, newValue:Dynamic, action:() ‑> Void):Void

Python-like context manager to execute the given function while overriding a property from the style. After the execution, the property is reset to its state before calling this function.



The group, e.g. style.color


The name of the property inside that group


The new value


Function to execute while the override is active

See also:


atlas:{y:Int, x:Int, w:Int, h:Int}

border:{style:String, size:Int, nineSlice:Bool, color:Color}


color:{useGradient:Bool, text:Color, gradient:Null<{direction:Bool, colorTopLeft:Color, colorBottomRight:Color}>, bg:Color}

@:value(0)cornerRadius:Int = 0

cursors:{notallowed:String, defaultCursor:String}

dropShadow:{radius:Int, falloff:Float, color:Color}

dropdown:Null<{separatorSize:Int, separatorColor:Color, arrowSize:Int, arrowRight:Bool, arrowColor:Color}>

font:{underlineThickness:Int, size:Int, family:String}

margin:{top:Int, right:Int, left:Int, bottom:Int}

@:value(0.)opacity:Float = 0.

@:value("")orientation:String = ""

padding:{top:Int, right:Int, left:Int, bottom:Int}

scrollbar:Null<{width:Int, color:{frontHover:Color, frontClick:Color, front:Color, corner:Color, bg:Color}}>

size:{width:Int, minWidth:Int, minHeight:Int, maxWidth:Int, maxHeight:Int, height:Int}

slider:Null<{textOffsetY:Int, textOffsetX:Int, showValue:Bool, showRange:Bool, buttonWidth:Int, buttonTexture:Null<{image:String, atlasY:Int, atlasX:Int, atlasW:Int, atlasH:Int}>}>

textShadow:Null<{offsetY:Int, offsetX:Int, color:Color}>

textinput:Null<{colorSelection:Color, colorLabel:Color, colorCursor:Color, blinkInterval:Int}>

@:value("")textureBg:String = ""