Get Koui
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Easy to use

Koui focuses on usability – why should it be difficult to create your own, unique user interface for your game? With Koui, you can fully concentrate on all the other important things.

The Koui API is designed to be as intuitive as possible.

API Documentation
// Construct a new drop-down menu with the label "DropdownLabel"
var myDropdown = new Dropdown("DropdownLabel");

// Add some options
myDropdown.addOption("Option 1");
myDropdown.addOption("Option 2");
myDropdown.addOption("Option 3");

// Select the first option
myDropdown.setSelectedOption("Option 1");

// Add the drop-down to the scene
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Fully Customizable

Design your own stylish themes in a CSS-like way. Koui gives you full freedom over the look and feel of your game's UI, with every aspect of every element adjustable to your imagination.

Even if the provided set of UI elements doesn't fit your needs, you can easily create additional components from scratch!

Koui example screenshot
UI design provided by Sebastian Becker. Follow him on Behance and Instagram!
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Platform independent

Thanks to Kha, Koui runs on every major platform!

So far, only Krom and Html5 targets have been tested (more coming soon). If you encounter any problems, please report them here.

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