Custom graphics class for Koui.

Static methods





drawKAlignedString(text:String, x:FastFloat, y:FastFloat, horAlign:HorTextAlignment, verAlign:VerTextAlignment, style:Style):Void

Draw an aligned string with the given style. The drawing takes the font, font size, color and text shadow specified by the style into account.

See also:

  • kha.graphics2.GraphicsExtension.drawAlignedString()

fillKCircle(cx:FastFloat, cy:FastFloat, radius:FastFloat, style:Style):Void

Draw a filled circle with the given style. The drawing takes drop shadows, gradients and borders into account.

fillKRect(x:FastFloat, y:FastFloat, width:FastFloat, height:FastFloat, style:Style):Void

Draw a filled rectangle with the given style. The drawing takes drop shadows, gradients, borders and rounded corners into account.