Static extension with useful string helper methods.

// Put this after your imports and before the class declaration
using koui.util.StringUtil;

// You can then use the methods from this class like this:
var reversed = "myString".reverse();

Static methods

@:value({ newLineAllowed : false })staticcanPrintChar(char:String, newLineAllowed:Bool = false):Bool

Compares the given character against a list of characters that cannot be printed (ASCII control characters for example) and returns true if the character does not match those non-printable characters.

If newLineAllowed is true, newline (\n) and carriage return (\r) characters will return true.



The character that should be compared


Whether \n and \r should return true


Gives back the reversed string it is applied on.


Converts the first character of the given string to uppercase. All other characters remain untouched.


Unescapes a given string. The following characters are unescaped:

\n -> Newline
\r -> Carriage Return
\t -> Tab
\" -> "
\\ -> \