Implementation of 9-slice scaling. There is currently no support for tiling, the sub-images are scaled to the size of the target tiles.

To enable 9-slice scaling in the theme:

  • set textureBg to the Kha asset name of the background image
  • set the atlas values according to the inner (center) slice
  • set border.nineSlice to true

Static methods

privatestatic_createElemSlices(imageSlices:Vector<Rect>, targetWidth:FastFloat, targetHeight:FastFloat):Vector<Rect>

privatestatic_createImageSlices(innerSlice:Rect, targetWidth:FastFloat, targetHeight:FastFloat):Vector<Rect>

privatestatic_createSlices(left:FastFloat, right:FastFloat, top:FastFloat, bottom:FastFloat, width:FastFloat, height:FastFloat, targetWidth:FastFloat, targetHeight:FastFloat):Vector<Rect>

staticcreateSlices(imgInnerSlice:Rect, imgWidth:FastFloat, imgHeight:FastFloat, elemWidth:FastFloat, elemHeight:FastFloat):Vector<Vector<Rect>>

Creates the individual slice rectangles required for rendering, used internally most of the time.

It returns a vector of two Vector<Rect>:

  • the first vector holds source image slices (not scaled) to be used as texture coordinates
  • the second vector holds element slices (scaled to target) to be used for the actual scaled drawing



A rectangle defining the inner slice of the source image


The width of the source image


The height of the source image


The width of the element to which 9-slice scaling should be applied


The height of the element to which 9-slice scaling should be applied